
Steampunk Book.

My steampunk book and my handmade Steampunk hat. 

The front of the book. 

The spine of the book. 

The back of the book. 
Close up. 

Another closeup.

"Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction or science fantasy that incorporates technology and aesthetic designs inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.” –  Wikipedia

Gathered supplies.
Click on image for a larger view.
Old Hardcover Book 11 1/2" x  8 1/2" (not in photo), foam brush, pencil, ruler, acrylic paint, paint-brush, Forever in time vintage stickers, tissue paper, wooden & chip-board letters and numbers, pearlescent paint, paper towel, gold metalic acrylic paint, toothbrush, Polyfilla, stencil, Grunge Board, metal & wooden gears, Rub ‘n Buff, Modge podge, Hair Dryer, Ttwezzers, Glue Gun, Glue-sticks, etc.


Click on thumb-nails.

Plan Embelishments on the
front book cover.
Using the Stencil, apply Polyfilla to the front. Measure spine using a pencil and ruler. Glue the wooden letters down using hot-glue and a glue gun. Remove the hot glue tendrils with a tweezer.


Cover the back with black tissue paper using Modge Podge. 

Measure placement of embelishments using a ruler and a pencil and then glue them down using adhesive.  Tutorial 
Faux Leather Book Cover - Tissue Paper Technique by Sandy Allnock
Paint the book with black acrylic paint, getting into the alll the crevices. 
Use a toothbrush to splatter pearlescent paint on book, blot with paper towel and let dry. Apply Rub 'n Buff to embelies and buff. Apply more embellies with adhesive.  

Embellishments added to the spine, using hot-glue and a glue-gun.
The hot glue tendrils will be removed with a tweezer. 

Deco Art Americana Decor Stencil, Vintage Keys. LePage Polyfilla 15-Minute Instant Dry.
You can also use a texture medium.
Tim Holtz Elements Grunge board.

Click on thumb-nails for larger images. 

Bead Landing™ Found Objects™ Antique Silver, Copper And Brass Gears.  Woody Mixed Round Gear Wooden Crafts Embellishments MDF Unfinished Wood.  Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated in anyway with these suppliers.
Amaco Rub 'n Buff Wax Metallic Finish, 0.5-Fluid Ounce. ArtMinds™ Mini Glue Gun. PLAID MOD PODGE: 4OZ MATTE

My inspiration:

My Mixed media board on Pinterest.

Steampunk Book Cover by ButterBeeScraps

Steampunk Mixed Media Canvas by Monica Roca

Altered Journal Cover for Finnabair Creative Team Blog by Linda Cain

You might also like: Spells Book.

My Steampunk Hat 


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