Size: A4 (8 1/2" x 11"

My Drawing in pencil.
Process: I drew the figure on watercolour paper with a pencil using the 9 HEADS METHOD. Tore up pieces of handmade paper and attached them to watercolour paper using Mod Podge Waterbase Sealer, Glue and Finish-Matte and a foam brush. seal with Mod Podge and let dry. While the sealer was drying, I traced the drawing onto watercolour paper because I wanted to keep the original sketch. Outlined the lady with black colour pencil and coloured with watercolour pencils. Blended the watercolour pencils using a small paintbrush and water. Let dry. Cut out the figure using small detail scissors, a cutting mat and a craft knife. Attached the figure to the collage using a strong adhesive. Supplies: Watercolor paper, pencil, eraser, ruler, Fine hand made paper from Select imports, tracing paper, adhesive, scissors, water, paintbrush, black colouring pencil, watercolour pencils, Mod Podge Waterbase Sealer, Glue and Finish-Matte, sponge paintbrush, craft knife, marker, eyeshadow applicator, ink pad, craft knife, craft mat, etc.

Fashion Illustration Tutorial | REVIEW OF 9 HEADS METHOD by Karen Campbell.
Drawing the Croquis Faster, Using the 9 Heads Method-Karen Campbell
how to draw the fashion figure for beginners | 9 heads tutorial

Another sketch in pencil using the 9 heads drawing method.
I did these sketches while camping. but I almost forgot about them
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