
Mixed Media Girl.

"Mixed media art refers to a visual art form that combines a variety of media in a single artwork. For example, if you draw with ink, then paint over it with watercolors, then add some highlights in colored pencil - that's mixed media!"- Art is fun.

I created one art journal page, which is 11″ x 8 1/4 “.
My Inspiration: 

Karen Campbell’s Fun-Fabulous-Faces 
Karen has some great free tutorials and sketches on YouTube and her website.


Art Journal Pad’ by Jodie Lee from Prima Marketing, Stampin' Write Markers (used for flesh colors), Ranger Ink– Perfect Pearls Mists (Gold), paintbrushes, Acrylic paint, pencil, eraser, watercolor pencils, baby oil, ink-pad, eye-shadow applicators, ear buds, black marker, scissors, etc.


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