"In 2000 the Bearberry Wapitana Society had the opportunity to move the old James River Ranger Station to its new location, where with lots of volunteer work and funding from local businesses the new Heritage & Arts Centre was established. The grand opening was in 2001." - Bearberry Community.

"The first people to live in the Bearberry valley were First Nations families of the Stoney tribe from Morley. Three or four families came each summer to hunt deer, moose and sheep. Bearberry was one stop on the route from Morley to Nordegg. When enough deer and moose meat was dried for winter, the families moved farther into the mountains to hunt sheep. After snowfall, they trapped small fur bearing animals, before returning to Morley in late December."- Bearberry Community.

We went back-country camping for a few days in the Bearberry valley.

We call this spot Rugby poles, as someone long ago had put up a pole between two trees to hang a tarp from, so it looks like Rugby Poles to us. We had a lovely big area all to ourselves with lots of shade.

Calgary was expecting its highest temperatures in history.

Bearberry wasn't much better off, but perfect camping weather or so we thought.

The James river taken from our campsite.

Fortunately the dogs could go and cool down in the James river.

The river was walking distance from our camp.

Erik loves fetching sticks from the water.

Especially big sticks (crocodiles).

Even logs.

As big as Salmon.

Hurry up and throw that stick!

Just one more !

The water is too cold for me, but not for him.

Thursday's temperature in the shade.

We put up our hammocks and relaxed in the shade.
Hubby made our hammocks from Taffeta material (banquet table-cloths.) Sourced from Tablecloths.com.

Our camper from our hammocks.

It's hot enough to make you chew your nails.

Let's go for a ride!

Resting in the shade.

Erik loves the Quad.


At last!

Even just going around in circles is fun.

The air quality is poor due to the wildfires.

Even though we arrived during the week there were many campers with quads driving past to the Limestone Mountain area.

My humans are just sitting around doing nothing all day.


Breakfast consisting of a slice of bread, lettuce, fried bacon, fried egg with melted cheese, spices and mayo on top

Steak cooked on a 14″x 16″ Camp Chef Flat top griddle with baked potatoes.

Kris finds it cooler under the camper.

Even though it looks cool it was still uncomfortable even in the shade.

Time well used.


Some clouds at last.

Rain at last.

We didn't use any firewood.

A Potjie for a cooler day consisting of pork-rib, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, black beans, etc.
“In South-Africa Potjiekos (poy-kee-kos), directly translated “pot food”, is a stew prepared outdoors in a cast iron, round, three legged pot (the potjie) using either wood coals or charcoal. The traditional ingredients are meat, vegetables, starch such as rice or potato, and fluids such as water and wine. Common other ingredients include fruits and flour based products such as pasta. It is traditionally simmered for hours while people socialize around a fire, enjoying side dishes.” “Potjiekos originated from the Voortrekkers.” -Wikipedia

Saturday evening.

Who's sleeping in my bed?

The next day it rained so we packed up.

Cool at last.

Wild horses sheltered from the rain.

You can see more photos and read about them in Feral Horses gallery.

“Wild horses” or “feral horses”? The debate rages on in Alberta, Canada. The provincial government believes that the wild horses west of Sundre, Alberta are the descendants of domestic horses used in logging and guiding/outfitting operations in the early 1900’s. The Wild Horse Society of Alberta (WHOAS) believes that they are of Spanish descent. WHOAS is so sure of this that they have sent away DNA samples to the University of Texas, Equine Genetics Lab for testing.” – Wild Horses Of Alberta

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