
Stuck in the snow

Our second snowstorm was on Monday morning, Mr T. had to go to work as they had people from Aberdeen; he went in with the 4x4. After doing the laundry, ironing, shoveling the deck and front door, I snow-blowed the driveway, which is hard work as the machine is heavy. Our son shoveled the entrance to the driveway, where the snowplough makes a wall. By this time the storm had calmed down a bit. After a short rest, Mr T. phoned to say the building next to theirs was on fire and they couldn’t get to their cars, would we come and fetch him. We quickly grabbed coat, hat, gloves etc. and off we went. When we drove past Windsor Lake it was a white out, with no turn off. Our son drove with hazard warning lights on and soon slowed down and got stuck. Fortunately we had a shovel in the car, but it was terrible outside and a lost cause. We got cold and wet, I just had fleece gloves. Our son's friend was also in the car, which made me feel bad, she didn't even have gloves. Luckily people stopped and helped us get out, one guy drove slow so we could follow him to town, as there is no way of turning around. I was so stressed I didn’t even think of putting the car in first. Most cars here are automatic, but they have a 1st and 2nd gear.

After the snowstorms people shovel their driveways for hours, as snow walls surround them, it looks like Gophers working inside with the shovel full of snow flying in the air every now and then

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