
My craft corner.

I’m happy with how my craft supplies look now that I reorganized them.

On the one wall is my magnetic board, which I use for planning. There are large stencils in the black file holder, which is standing on top of a Butcher’s block from  Ikea. The pine TV stand was a thrift store find.

In the winter I work upstairs in our home office, so I have more natural light, it is warmer than my Craft Room, which is in the basement and I am closer to my family. I repurposed an Ikea bookcase that we had for my workspace. We have had the bookcase for a few years, so I don’t think Ikea sells them anymore.

On my left is my Råskog.

The black metal rack was another thrift store find. On the top shelf are art sets. The plastic containers on the second shelf are for ephemera, embellishments, stickers, etc. The third shelf is for medium, see the next photo for the contents. 
I use the glass sheets to cover and flatten my projects in progress. 

Some of my mediums like watercolour paints, acrylic tubes, markers,  paintbrushes, etc. are in a clear plastic container. 

My Råskog.

Click here to see more of my  Råskog

I keep books, sketch pads, watercolour paper, etc in magazine holders. 
The next shelf holds Art journal albums.
The files are used for planning.  

Strathmore® 300 Series Mixed Media Pad Strathmore Watercolor paper. Memories of a Lifetime: Florals & Nature -Inc. Sterling Publishing Co.
The old Fashioned Happy Anniversary book—Sterling Main Street. The Old Fashioned Party Invitation Postcard Book -Sterling Main Street Memories of a Lifetime: Borders & Frames: by Inc. Sterling Publishing Co. 

My family photos in albums are on another metal shelf. 

These are some of the scrapbooks I have completed. 

More of my scrapbooks and Art journal albums.

My favourite craft supplies

Where do you craft, I would love to see? 
Did you develop any of your ideas or find any of mine?

Where I create. 

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