While we were camping at Englishman River Falls Provincial Park on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada during our recent vacation. We visited Nanaimo Marina, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. on a lovely sunny day. It's one of our favourite places to visit, you can see more posts from 2015 and 2010 as well as 2009

“There is no shortage of enticing activities to enjoy on the land adjoining Nanaimo’s waterfront. From relaxing seaside walks to dining, shopping or enjoying an evening of theatre, life on the seaside of the ‘Harbour City’ offers point of interest at every turn. The Port of Nanaimo has been an active player in the planning, development, and management of most of these foreshore amenities and highlights.” – The Nanaimo Port Authority

"Nanaimo Harbour, also known as the Port of Nanaimo, is a natural harbour on the east coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The City of Nanaimo runs along the west side of the harbour. Three islands, Newcastle, Protection, and Gabriola, along with Duke Point, form the eastern edge.[1] The Port of Nanaimo includes the Inner Harbour, Nanaimo River estuary, Departure Bay, the waters on the east side of Newcastle and Protection Islands, and Northumberland Channel. The port is under the management of the Nanaimo Port Authority." -Wikipedia
"Centrally located on the East Coast of Vancouver Island — just 100 kilometres north of Victoria and only 55 kilometres across the Strait of Georgia from Vancouver — the Port of Nanaimo is a Federal agency whose mandate is to administer, control, manage and protect navigation and safety of the Nanaimo Harbour. The Port also acts as a facilitator in initiating and supporting ideas and events which stimulate economic growth for the community and, laterally, the Port." - Pacific Ports

Erik got a lot of attention.

"The city of Nanaimo is a classic West Coast community, offering natural beauty at every turn, and vast recreation potential. Nanaimo has one of the longest shorelines in Canada, and a forested mountain backdrop just outside downtown. Here, you can go from the wilderness to the city centre in just a few minutes, and spend more time in the places you want to be."- Tourism Nanaimo

"Nanaimo's Harbourfront Walkway is one of the things that makes this city so beautiful. Running all along the waterfront below Front Street, this walkway is suspended above the shore and ocean in some areas and in other parts, it skirts around parks and green spaces. Along the Harbourfront Walkway are tourist shops, restaurants with outdoor patios, docks, boats, and the seaplane base." - Planet Ware

Salish Sentinel "WCMRC maintains a growing fleet of emergency response vessels, including custom-built oil spill response vessels, deck and tank barges, landing craft, skiffs and workboats."- WCMRC

"Whale watching boats dock here. Seaplanes depart from here and take passengers to various destinations, including Vancouver, or on 40-minute Seaplane Tours over the Strait of Georgia, with views over the Sunshine Coast. For a nice meal, head to the Lighthouse Bistro on the walkway overlooking the harbor, in the same building as the seaplane passenger waiting lounge." - Planet Ware
Nanaimo Harbourfront Walkway // Nanaimo ,BC

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