We saw some Black Bears along the road, near Englishman River Falls Provincial Park, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada during our recent vacation.
Black Bears on Vancouver Island. These are some photos and Garmin dashcam footage we took.

"American Black Bears (Ursus americanus) are found across North America, from Northern Mexico, to over 30 US states, to all the provinces and territories of Canada, except for Prince Edward Island."
"The size of an adult male black bear can range from 50 to 75 inches and they can anywhere from 130 to 660 pounds. Adult females are also between 50 and 75 inches tall, but weigh 90 to 175 pounds. At birth, a cub usually weighs about 7 to 11 ounces.""Black bears are omnivores and will feed whatever is available: insects, nuts, berries, grasses and other vegetation, as well as meat, such as deer or moose, particularly the young. Salmon is also a common food for black bears in British Columbia."
"Breeding season is June, July and August, and the two bears will remain together for only a few hours or at most several days. Black bears are very solitary, except for females with cubs. The pregnancy lasts about 220 days, with cubs being born in January and February (in a maternity den). The litters range between 1 and 5 cubs, though 2 is the average. Cubs stay with their mothers for about a year and a half, so mating is limited to every two years." - Bears in B.C.
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