Don't you think that this rock looks like a Leatherback Turtle?

The James River's water is clear and very cold. but Erik doesn't mind as you can see in the next video.

Harebell Campanula rotundifolia.

Could this be Yarrow?

A wild mushroom as seen from the top.
Mushroom from the side.

One must be careful when one walks as there are tree roots everywhere.

Cattle Grazing on leased Crown land.
Turn the udder cheek and mooo-ve on.
A short drive from our campsite with a view of the mountains.

Ribeye Steak on a grill. You can read more about our firepit here.

The first few days were cool with some rain and the insects weren't too bad.
Cosy by the fire.

Clear skies and a view of the moon.
A deer on our way home.
Boondocking on the James River,
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