

1-dsc_0385 1-dsc_0381 1-chinatown3 1-dsc_0388
 I scrap-booked four  12″ x 12″ pages using photos of China Town, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. My inspiration for the first page was Gold and Black card from a Stamping and Paper-craft magazine. The other pages were  "China" from the book "Deluxe Color-blocking Idea book".


Some of the supplies and tools I used were: Quatro Elementos wood mounted rubber-stamps by Hero Arts, Chop Suey Stencil from the book "The art of great lettering by The Five-mile press, Authentic Chinese stamper, “Good Fortune” Poly Clear stamps from Hero Arts, an Asian coin, a black Calligraphy marker, chopsticks, wavy-edge scissors ribbon, Origami Paper, hot glue, a glue gun, acrylic paint, embossing powder, embossing heat tool (heat-gun), alphabet stencil, paperclip curls, mementos, tassel, alphabet stamps, photo corners, pop dots, brads, Card-stock, Ink-pads, etc.

Some of the techniques I used were: Faux postage stamps from Postage stamp lettering article from Memory Maker's Nov/Dec 20013 Faux Wax seals. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWbVsDEf9JI

 Possible supplies gathered in a 12″x 12″ Iris® Scrapbook Case.

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China Town, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


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