

We went to the annual Mardigras at Mardas loop, we have been there once before, and it has grown bigger. It is mostly a street market, they close of the street and there are stalls in the street. They also filled one block with sand for a beach Volley competition. There were also some lovely clowns. (Shiners) One an old man, was dressed as a Tramp and posed with me. We saw many dogs; the cutest was a Rotweiler wearing Mardigras beads.

"Marda Loop is one of Calgary's trendiest shopping districts, and each year Marda Gras is an opportunity to discover the neighborhood's charms. The street festival features over 250 artisan tables, 10 amusement rides, food, entertainment on two stages, a unique car show and a beach volleyball pitch. There is also a climbing wall, free hot dogs and, of course, popular beer gardens. A Kid's Corner offers a variety of children's activities including face painting."

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