- The Belle of the Bay
“Bell Island is the largest of several islands in Conception Bay, measuring about 9 km by 3.5 km. Conception Bay is one of many bays around the Avalon Peninsula at the eastern end of the province. It's a 20-minute drive from St. John’s to the ferry terminal at Portugal Cove, then a 20-minute ferry ride to Bell Island.”
Ons het Bell Island besoek op ‘n bewolkte 12 grade C. Die ferrie; M.V. Flanders wat elke 20 minute van Portugal Cove vertrek en 20 minute neem was $4 p.p. retoer. Dit al klaar was die moeite werd om Portugal Cove en Conception Bay van die see af te sien. Ek het die eiland baie platte-lands gevind, die moeiste was om al langs die kus te ry. Die eiland is so 200 ‘ bo seespiël met steil afgronde.
Behalwe vir die ou yster-erts myne, lugtoring, see wrakke ens. het ek die “sea stacks” of “chimneys” die interesantste gevind.
Die dorpie Wabana is ‘n Rooihuid woord wat ” Place where the dawn first shines” meen.
“Because erosion occurs at various rates depending on rock type and wave movement wave-cut platforms can also form sea stacks. These are spectacular coastal landforms are isolated pinnacles that can reach towering heights. They are formed from coastal rock that is more resistant to some surrounding rock. Shoreline that is chiseled away by wave action can end up separated from the mainland causing sea arches, which erode to become sea stacks. Arches and stacks are impermanent formations since continued erosion will eventually wear them down to nothing.”
Die grond naby die lugtoring is onstabiel en ‘n mens word gewaarsku om nie naby aan die afgronde te kom nie. Daar is voëls op die “stacks”.
“Bell Island was the only place in North America to have seen enemy action in World War II. The pier where 80,000 tons of iron ore was stored for shipping was torpedoed by German U-boats in 1942. At low tide you can see the relics of the 4 ships that were sunk.”
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