We went to Cape Spear again, there is a lighthouse and hiking trails. It is the most easterly point in North America. You can see St. John's from there. We saw lots of laundry every where on the lines again, which seems to be a trademark here.
On our way back we drove to St. John’s harbor, right up to the “Narrows”. We took photos of the colorful clapboard houses against the mountain, as well as the hiking trail to the Cabot. Unfortunately we didn’t have the telescopic lens. From here you can see the beautiful old buildings, churches, Cathedrals, Courthouse (Which I have been into, I had to get notified signatures.) Etc.
I got postcards, of what it looks like. The Downtown area has names like Duckworth, Water, Cathedral, Baker, etc. Other street names are Torbay Rd, (Which goes to Torbay), Portugal Cove rd, (which goes to P.C) Topsail rd. (To Topsail) etc.
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