
Hermit crabs

We have had no more new snow, but everywhere cars creep out of their holes, like Hermit crabs. Here you quickly learn to reverse into your parking so as to get out easier.

Fortunately until now we have had sun at least every second or third day, the snow is beautiful when the sun shines. Sometimes it glistens like there is silica on top of it, other times when there is frost on the trees, you just want to take photographs all the time. The sun shines into the kitchen and I have made myself a nice nook there to work. or cat crept out on the deck one day; we have to keep the doors closed mostly due to the cold. This week we have had mist; apparently we can expect this situation for a few weeks. So it seems we had freezing rain for a while, then snow, then winds and now mist, hopefully Spring will be next, we are so looking forward to it.

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